After last year's record snow storms, it's hard to believe that it took until last week to get our first big snow of the year. And, by last year's standards, it's hard to even count 7 inches of snow as a big storm. But it made national news because of the timing (lots of our friends had 6+ hour commutes home...luckily, Chris came home at lunch so he was good, but many of our friends who spent 10 or 11 hours on their normally 20 minute commute didn't fare as well) and it was Hannah's first chance to go sledding. Her verdict? Not such a fan. I take that back - she liked the middle part of sledding. Being pulled (or, in the case of when Mommy took her, pushed) up the hill in her sled? Sort of boring. The end part, where she landed face first in the snow every time? DEFINITELY not a fan. But the middle part - the two seconds of the hill where she was going down - that was fine. And because we're GREAT parents we tried it more than once. We will spare you the video - needless to say they all end the same way - with a toddler ending up face down in the snow and one parent scooping her up while the other attempted to simultaneously avoid swearing and turn off the camera so we could help.
Snow Days
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Tuesday, February 01, 2011
But you know what she did like? Snowballs. Snowballs are really fun. And catching snowflakes. And the snowman that Mommy made for her, including the addition of a face and buttons by someone in our neighborhood (that's right, the snowman was made on Thursday with no face, and when we went outside on Friday it had a face and buttons. Really.).
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