In our year of firsts, Hannah celebrated her first Purim this weekend. I love Purim - you get to dress up and be noisy, which is right up Hannah's alley. We started on Friday and made Hamentaschen with Bubbe & Zaide. No real surprise - Hannah liked the peach filling better than the cookies. In fact, when we ate them with Chris Friday afternoon, Hannah sucked the peaches off and handed the pre-licked cookies to him to finish. :)Friday night we went to Tot Shabbat Purim services. Hannah was thrilled to get to dress up like a flying fairy and shook her wand instead of a grogger with glee. :)
Today was even more fun. Hannah went to her very first Cradle Roll with Chris (basically a parent-and-me Sunday School program for little ones) and had a blast at the Purim Carnival. (she did wear her flying fairy costume again, but it got taken off for the moon bounce and never put back on). She loved playing the carnival games with Emily - especially the one where you were supposed to throw discs into a tube. She very carefully walked up and placed each one in. And trading in her tickets for new bead necklaces? Well, it was the perfect end to the fun. :)
Chag Sameach!
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
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